Frequently Asked Questions
The Cape 1000 is a test of man and machine!
5 Nights accommodation in 4* & 5* hotels
Most dinners, breakfasts, and light lunches
Roadbook & Goodies Bag
Mechanical support (limited)
Complimentary Wine at dinner (limited)
Complimentary Cape 1000 Café stops
All interesting, rare, collectable and exotic cars are welcome to apply to enter. There are four categories, decide which category best suits your vehicle and complete the online registration form. Once your application form has been submitted the admissions committee will evaluate your vehicle submission and communicate with you within two working days. You are welcome to put forward more than one vehicle to be considered.
There is limited space per category and the admissions committee are looking for a variety of cars. So, it is unlikely, for example, if you are the fourth Porsche Carrera or Ferrari 458 to apply, that you will get accepted. Should your application be declined due to too many of the same make & model or space limitations, you will be given the option of going on the waiting list.
You are welcome to request a vehicle change up to 45 days prior to the start of the event, however your alternative vehicle will be subject to admissions committee approval.
It is possible to enter as a single person, however not advisable as it makes the regularity aspect of the rally extremely difficult. Also please note the entry fee is set regardless of single or double registration.
The event has light mechanical support to help with minor breakdowns, fuel assistance etc. It’s not there to rebuild your car and any expenses (parts etc.) are for the participant’s account. If your vehicle is temporarily incapacitated you can use an alternative vehicle for the balance of the day however should your vehicle not be available the next day, you are welcome to continue on the rally, however you will be disqualified from the competition side of it. You & your vehicle, however, must make the end destination in the original vehicle entered and under its own power to finish the rally.
Changing of navigator is permissible only with permission from the organisers. The organisers must be contacted prior to any change.